Institution of Civil Engineers
Photographic items, click to enlarge:
Institution of Engineering and Technology
Index of names on the IET honour roll and an article about the roll:
Honour Roll Index and
article Biographies:
Henry Ellis
William McClelland
Oliver Heaviside
Stories related to the war:
Library and Archive First World War Blog
Photographs, paintings and written items, click to enlarge:
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Biographies of members who died as a result of WW1:
Honour Roll
A joint memorial was held between all the main engineering institutions in 1919:
Institution's Journals list men on active service, records deaths and sometimes other details and notes government use of the Institution's headquarters. Mention is also made of funding and special engineers forces:
Journal 1914-1915 Journal 1916 Journal 1917 Journal 1918 Journal 1919
Just before the outbreak of war in 1914 a group of our Member's visited Paris:
Summer Meeting Programme
Discussing the development of the tank and its use during WW1, TLH Butterfield (IMechE Proceedings: Auto 1965 180:159):
'Design and Development of Fighting Tanks'
Information on and discussions about women workers in factories, Olive Monkhouse and Ben Morgan (IMechE Proceedings 1918 Jan-May):
'Employment of Women in Munitions Factories' 'The Efficient Utilization of Labour in Engineering Factories, with special reference to women's work' Minutes cover the Institutions whole history (from 1847), wartime issues such as supplies and the requisitioning of headquarters are discussed:
Council Minutes
Membership records cover the Institutions whole history (from 1847), search for wartime relatives or people:
Membership Records
3D First World War Mercedes, made by German prisoners of war